
On this page you can find the pieces which we have created so far and which you can order in all dimensions and all types of relief. All the models featured, as well as those that you upload via the “CONTACT” page can be made in absolutely all dimensions. The featured 3D models are just a few suggestions. It is up to you to indulge in your fantasies and envisage your private or office space, and it is up to us to give you a suggestion, an estimate, and eventually realize every single idea you had.


Greek art dates back all the way to the Cycladic and Minoan civilizations and classical Western art had its origins in it. With further advancement of the Hellenistic period and the development of Eastern civilizations and Roman art, what also emerged at the same time are Italian and European artistic ideas. Greek art is characterized by five techniques of art production: architecture, sculpture, painting, pottery, and jewelry making.
In our catalogue you can find several Greek works of art, but if you are an aficionado of ancient Greek art or mythology, and if you would like us to make you something you have longed for for ages, visit this page, upload a photo, enter the desired dimensions and we shall send you our estimate.

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Korean art, Japanese art, Chinese art, Indian art… Each art we listed significantly influenced the Western art, and vice versa. Prehistoric art and Mesopotamian art excluded, each art we listed represents the oldest forms of Asian art.

It is precisely such features, drawings, or ancient inscriptions that our artists work on depicting with fidelity every day. Are we successful at it? It is up to you to judge.

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Roman art refers to the visual art that emerged in Ancient Rome and in the territories of the Roman Empire. Roman art abounds with numerous works of art done in various techniques, such as sculpture, painting, architecture, and mosaic. Luxury items were predominantly the result of the processes of working with metal, of gem and glass engraving, and ivory carving. This type of art is classified among less valuable forms of Roman art.

Sculpture and engraving were regarded as the most sublime form of art by Romans; therefore our art too mostly boils down to that particular art movement. In our catalogue you can find a few pieces done in a similar vein, but the same goes for all other art movements – Roman art included; we give you “free rein” to inform us about your ideas, and we shall make it reality.

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Ancient Maya art has to do with the material art of the Maya civilization. It was the art of eastern and south-eastern Mesoamerican culture that was shaped during the later Preclassic Period - from 500 BC all the way to 200 AD to be exactMaya art thrived the most during the seven centuries of the Classic Period (from circa 200 AD to 900 AD). At that time, Ancient Maya art was going through a protracted Post-Classic chapter, before the sixteenth-century disruptions wiped out their culture and ended the Mayan artistic tradition.

Our team of artists works tirelessly every day on reviving what is left of this beautiful culture. We hope that through our work we participate at least a little in saving the remnants of this ancient civilization from oblivion.

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Cave paintings are a kind of art which involves petroglyphs or engravings found on the walls or ceilings of caves. The oldest known cave paintings are more than 40000 years old and are located in the Franco-Cantabrian region in Western Europe. A great number of them can also be found in the caves of the Maros district in Indonesia. The oldest kind of cave paintings are handworked objects in the form of simple geometric shapes. In the mentioned time period, various drawings were also found that abound with a multitude of colors that adorn a great number of caves in the mentioned parts of the world.

It is for that very reason, and, at the same time, motive, that we create shapes and colors of stone and rock that are identical to those found in the caves of Western Europe, while our painters have been entrusted with painting ancient works of art on such rock – works of art painted more than 40000 years ago. Thus, we bring into our customers’ homes just a small part of all those things that graced these ancient times which we must never forget, because each one of us, in some way, has roots in that time period.

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Cave paintings are a kind of art which involves petroglyphs or engravings found on the walls or ceilings of caves. The oldest known cave paintings are more than 40000 years old and are located in the Franco-Cantabrian region in Western Europe. A great number of them can also be found in the caves of the Maros district in Indonesia. The oldest kind of cave paintings are handworked objects in the form of simple geometric shapes. In the mentioned time period, various drawings were also found that abound with a multitude of colors that adorn a great number of caves in the mentioned parts of the world.

It is for that very reason, and, at the same time, motive, that we create shapes and colors of stone and rock that are identical to those found in the caves of Western Europe, while our painters have been entrusted with painting ancient works of art on such rock – works of art painted more than 40000 years ago. Thus, we bring into our customers’ homes just a small part of all those things that graced these ancient times which we must never forget, because each one of us, in some way, has roots in that time period.

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Native Americans have developed a wide range of languages, customs, and art forms.
Their artistic designs are motivated by their love for nature.
Most of the Native American art was created in form of symbols, such as an eagle, a walrus, a wolf; or people. Materials used to make this artwork varied from wood, rocks, feathers, cloth, clay, and fabric.
Our team of artists has tried to revive the spirit of the Native Americans and we hope that we have succeeded in doing so.

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Ancient Egyptian art dates back to circa 3000 years BC. The quality of its painting and sculpture is classified as high because they are stylized and remarkably symbolic. What counts as ancient Egyptian art are sculpture, painting, architecture, and other forms of art. A lot of the art that has been preserved and is known today has its origin in tombs and monuments, which most frequently stressed the importance of life after death and the safe keeping of historical knowledge. Ancient Egyptian art includes painting, and sculptures in wood which are quite rare today because of the ravages of time.

Those are mainly artistic images or engravings done on stone, pottery, as well as drawings on papyrus and other visual arts materials used in that era. Because of all that we have mentioned, Terradecor approaches this area with a lot of affection and often opts for recommending its customers to decorate a part of their interior space with this very piece of this (for us) most beautiful history and art.

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Buddhist art emerged in India after the historical life of Siddhartha Gautama in 6th to 5th century BC, and developed along with other cultures Asia-wide and worldwide.

It develops in the north (up to Central and East Asia), and in the east (up to Southeast Asia), constituting the southern part of Buddhist art. Partly because of the rapid spread of Islam and Hinduism in India, Buddhism influenced the development of Hindu art. Buddhism almost disappeared in India circa the 10th century. A large number of tribes and organizations exist today that spread Buddhism and keep all those things that Buddhism brought to us from falling into oblivion, and, in our own way, we also strive to contribute to this very thing through our work.

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Islamic art is not the art of a specific country or specific nation. It is the art of a civilization that is a blend of historical circumstances and the conquest of the ancient world by Arabs and united groups of foreigners under the flag of Islam. Islamic art emerged out of many sources: Roman, and early Christian art, while the Byzantine style was adopted in early Islamic art and architectureThe influence of Sassanian art and pre-Islamic Persia is of great importance.

Chinese influences also decisively shaped Islamic painting, ceramics, and fabrics. Islamic art also includes all the art of the rich and diverse cultures of Islamic societies. Apart from the widespread calligraphic inscriptions, figurative painting may cover religious scenes, palace walls or illustrated poetry books.  Our work and our models are not based on calligraphy and decoration of manuscript Qur'ans, which is an extremely important facet of Islamic art; for that reason we have focused on historical handmade images that you can see in our catalogue.

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Among the earliest Christian art monuments, the oldest one dates back to200 AD, and not much is known about the Christian art before Emperor Constantine’s time.  The beginnings of Christianity are associated with catacombs. The oldest surviving examples of this art date back to late 2nd century and are represented by painting on the walls and ceilings of Roman catacombs (the catacombs were made throughout the Mediterranean), and somewhat later, also by the relief work on sarcophagi.

We know that the cross is a symbol of Christianity. In addition to the cross, there are also emblems that bear other meanings. For example: the palm tree – the idea of martyrdom, the anchor - salvation, the dove – the symbol of spirit and spiritual calm, the peacock – immortality etc. We can make for you all those things that symbolize your religion or the features that are the most important for you in relation to your religion.

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Different art forms comprise Indian art. As it is one of the oldest ones, Indian art history dates back long before Christ. Heading towards more modern times, Indian art got under such cultural and religious influences like Sikhism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Islam. Despite this complex mix of religious traditions, it can be said that Indian art is shared by large religious groups. Within Indian art history, sculpture in stone and metal managed to survive the Indian climate better than the others, and as such constitutes the greatest part of the remnants of Indian art.

The biggest and the most important ancient archaeological sites (which do not have to do with carved stone) have been found in the surrounding (droughty) areas rather than India itself. The traces of Indian art are many, and the same, therefore, goes for our sources of inspiration, and it is not an accident that we decorated several interiors with these very motifs and that such works of art belong to the most sought-after and popular ones among our customers.

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The Zodiac signs are one of the most popular ways people try to understand each other.
By analizing the Zodiac signs people can discover other people's personalities, ideologies and their aproach towards life.
There are 12 Zodiac sings that are considered fundamental in astrology.
Each sign has its own features and people are usualy very interested in what their own sign means and which signs it goes or doesen't go along with.
Each sign has been presented and viewed in various forms throughout history and we decided to present the ones we found the most interesting.
You can choose one of those or send us your favourite variation of a desired sign an we can recreate it for you in any size.

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create your own design

Custom art of course does not classify as an art movement. Custom art is the art that we create together with you.

Definitely, most of our visitors or customers are precisely those people that upload pictures with motifs on a daily basis that they would like transformed into works of art using various production techniques that we dispose of.

By letting us make specific projects reality, and uploading photographs along with a request for an estimate, not only do you provide us with ideas, you also help us create a new art movement which we shall one day, thanks to you, name Terradecor Art.

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About us

We are Terradecor, a company from Serbia that has been dealing for 14 years solely in decorative materials made to look like stone. Until recently, what could be classified as our primary activity was only the production of decorative panels and 3D backgrounds for aquariums in the name of the now internationally famous brand Aquadecor, well-known both in our homeland and around the world.